Creation Lake by Rachel Kushner, a book review by Ye Olde Bookshoppe Reader
Creation Lake is a novel by Rachel Kushner, set in France, about a secret agent named Sadie Smith, who is sent to work with French subversives. Sadie meets her lover, Lucien, through a cold bump, and uses her contacts to incite provocation. In a region of centuries-old farms and ancient caves, Sadie is introduced to Bruno Lacombe, a mentor to young activists who communicates only by email. Bruno believes that the path to emancipation from modern life is a return to the ancient past. Sadie is convinced she is the seductress and puppet master of those she surveils, while Bruno seduces her with his ingenious counter-histories and artful laments. Kushner’s work is a blend of mystery, dark humor, and unforgettable pleasure, making it Kushner’s finest achievement yet as a novelist.