bawdy baby-boomer bar-room bard
Guest blogger and local published poet Eric W. Fotherby. Welcome our latest “transplant” to the valley and see below for information on when he will be in the store to share stories and sign books!
Guest Blog Post
Hello, my name is Eric W. Fotherby, and I retired six years ago from the
USPS. Two years later I decided to write a book of poetry, most lovingly,
and it took me approximately three years to complete. My Wife and I decided

bawdy baby-boomer bar-room bard by Eric W. Fotherby
on a change of scenery from Western Washington, so we started out looking
for a home in Central Washington. First we tried Leavenworth, then Cashmere,
and finally ended up on Sunnyslope in Wenatchee. We just love it here, and
everyone has been so generous and kind and helpful! Another pleasant
surprise is that there is a community of Artists and Writers here that have
a lot of happening things going on and I am so looking forward to becoming a
member of this community and taking part in many of their planned events for
the upcoming year. We have discovered a new music scene going on in
Leavenworth with Cuevas and Co., many wineries and breweries, also many
unique restaurants with delicious fare on their menus, which abound along
this 20 mile stretch of Highway 2 and on into Wenatchee.. I have been so
focused on publishing and promotion lately, that my writing has been put on
a back burner for now, but that has got to change for me very soon, whether
my book is successful or not. Writing helps me to purge my demons, share my
emotions, profess my love, and to just be silly once in a while without
restraint! What else is there that can provide me all of those things? I do
not know. Here I have found my Nirvana, my Shangra-La, from which only God
can take me away. We love you Central Washington! e
Book signing and author “meet and greet” schedule:
February 2, 2108, Friday, 5-8 p.m. Facebook Event Page
February 10, 2018, Saturday, 12-4 p.m. Facebook Event Page